Lots of developments to show off this update! First off, I wasn’t sure whether to include this feature or not, but I decided to give it a shot and see how complex it would be to implement. Pickup/Carry/Drop of certain items! The player can fly around carrying certain things, and drop them wherever. There is […]
Archive for the ‘Legends Untold’ Category
Devblog Update #37: Updated Website, New Character, and a Puzzle!
First off, the rest of the website got a big update! I don’t consider myself a web designer, but I’m pretty happy with how it is, especially compared to what it was before (shudders). The Discord server also got renamed from Soltorch (the “studio name”) to Jasper Vice, the name of the actual game project. […]
Devblog Update #36: Schedules, Statues, and Rhinos?
I decided to stop flying by the seat of my pants, and actually come up with a rough schedule to launch. I wrote down everything I could think of that needs to be done for the game, and approximately how long I think each item will take. I factored in how many hours a week […]
Devblog Update #35: Blowing Manes, Rocks, and Thunderbirds
Welcome to 2021! May this new year be full of lots of wonderful memories for us all. I hope your holidays were great as well. 🙂 What did I do over the holidays? Besides eating lots of food, collecting some sweet loot, and spending time with family, I also did what you’ll see below.  […]
Devblog Update #34: Environment progress
Merry Christmas to all! Things might be a bit slower these next two weeks, due to people being busy with family and such. A feature that’s big on the Plains of Epheroth (the first level) is grass. I did some work on the grass last time, but I did a few more tweaks and improvements […]
Devblog Update #33: Mostly grass
There was a bonus post last week showing the workflow for making the sky islands! I made this basic “monument”, but Cesar came up with some much better concepts, which I hope to show you next time: I adjusted the shading of the ground to closer match the actual grass, which makes the transition between […]
How to create floating islands (in the sky!) using Blender and Unreal.
Update: This method was designed for Unreal Engine 4. UE5 now has much better ways of accomplishing the same thing, and World Composition is deprecated. This is a method I’ve come up with which works quite well for creating sky islands in Unreal. I experimented with using Landscapes, with meshes for the underside, but the […]
Devblog Update #32: The Plains are forming!
This last month has been a flurry of activity, though not all related to this game project. I stepped back for a few weeks, as my wife and I welcomed our third and fourth kids. Twins! Thankfully all our kids have been pretty good sleepers, so we’re doing alright. Having grandparents come to help for […]
Devblog Update #31: Codecks, Organizing, Planning, NPC!
These past two weeks I’ve been mostly doing three things (related to this project. I’ve been doing quite a lot more than this, but this is what’s relevant…). 1) Cleaning up and organizing Codecks. 2) Planning out this first level more. 3) Modeling one of the characters for this first level. Â Now to describe […]
Devblog Update #30: Rigging, Animating, and Questing.
The image below may not look like much, but you would not believe how hard it was to get it to happen. Working with Blenders’ Meta-Rigs (which are really cool), then simplifying them down (because they’re not optimized for games), which broke some dependencies, and bone constraints, etc. Once all that was dealt with and […]