It’s been a fun two weeks! Lots of variety and different tweaks and improvements, along with some major stuff.
First off, I went back and polished up some of the existing gameplay based on feedback. You can now turn sharper when you’re slowing down, and the third puzzle in Zone 1 is only half as difficult, etc. Improved the journal menu a bit, and made the widget to show player dialogue responses much more visually appealing. I’m hoping to release an updated demo next week (but wait to do a bit public announcement until Beta launch on June 6th).
I’ve started filling out the interior of Mt. Eldur! Adding in an ancient ruined city, assembled from modular pieces, is actually pretty fun! The idea is that the player will go through this area on their way to the heart of the volcano.

I also played around with Take Recorder in Unreal, which allows me to record gameplay, so I can get some pretty cool shots! I’ll definitely have to make use of it when I make the trailer for the game.

No timelapse video this sprint. I REALLY should have recorded assembling the ancient city, but I didn’t. 🙁
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