We’ve been hard at work ironing out the basic game loop. You know how last week I said we were going to have to drop the more open-world method of structuring the races? Well, ultimately it was decided that the exploration aspect was important enough to the game, and future games built on this, for us to figure out a solution. So, yay open world!
There has been lots of progress made on core programming, things like keeping track of multiple races in the same scene, improving the flight mechanics, etc. Which means, unfortunately, we’ve been focusing on functionality over form these past weeks, so we don’t have anything really pretty to share. Except this concept map by Cesar ( https://www.instagram.com/ceredartist/)
The idea being that when the player pauses the game, a map will open up which will show the locations of different races they have discovered, and other points of interest. Getting that system up and running is what I’ll be focusing on this week.