Well, two weeks in, and the bones are taking shape. I’ve been working on getting the flight system working well, while at the same time maintaining cleaner code than there was in the prototype. As you can see in the video, the timer counts down, and time is added with each ring you go through. I ran out of time, so I should have lost. Fortunately for me, I haven’t programmed in a lose condition yet though!
Art is also progressing. I’ll be uploading a timelapse of the character creation process once the main character is done. As you can see, he’s a gryphon. Pretty standard at the moment, but the details haven’t been added yet 😉
Also, some brilliant concept art for what the waypoints could look like. Much better than floating colored rings, right!
The plan for these next two weeks is to finish the main character model (textured and rigged), and have some prettier waypoints done. Also, continuing to improve the code and improve gameplay.